Easy on sore gums while encouraging strong hand-eye coordination.

Incredibly fun to play with!

Our unique handle mixed with the perfect nipple is something your child will not want to let go of.

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Join the hundreds of Moms whose babies love their Paci-Pop!

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  • Is this only for breastfed babies?

    No. Bottle fed babies are having just as much success developing hand eye coordination and weaning as breastfed babies! In fact, a lot of moms choose to use this as an aid in transitioning to solid foods. Baby can dip the nipple into soft foods which makes eating more fun!

  • My child never took a pacifier, will they still use it?

    Yes. Some parents that have babies who do not accept pacifiers actually use this in place of traditional paci's. Oftentimes the pacifier ring is too difficult for them to hold and when they switch to the paci-pop handle it becomes much easier for them to control and also to soothe.

  • My toddler still uses a pacifier, is it strong enough for them?

    Absolutely. The material is strong enough even for adult biters. Some parents have found that replacing pacifiers with paci-pops in toddlers reduces overall frequency of use and could prevent abnormal teeth growth.

  • Can it be used while travelling?

    Yes. The base of the handle is flexible enough to attach common pacifier clips which prevents dropping while the baby is in a car seat or stroller during travel.